Saturday, November 9, 2013

Saturday Morning Compassion

This is how I spend my Saturday mornings (the dogs name is Gracie).  Saturday mornings provide me with the time I need to recover from the weeks hectic schedule. As anyone with children can attest the week seems to get busier and busier every year. I can only assume there comes a point where this trend reverses itself, but with a bunch of young kids in the house I doubt I will see that point anytime soon.

With little time for peace or reflection during the week, Saturday morning is where I find solace and when I put the finishing touches on the Sermon for Sunday. This week I am looking at why we as humans have such a hard time following the rules (Ten Commandments).

Think about how often we speed, make illegal right turns, and zoom through yellow lights (and that's just in the car!). Rule breakers make me crazy!!! Like when you see someone in the express line at the grocery store with 20 items. What bothers me the most is the arrogance, you see when someone is breaking the rules I assume they think they are better then everyone else!

Except of course when I am breaking the rules....then it is for a good reason.

That's the problem right. We like to hold the world to a different set of standards then we hold ourselves. Now that the Prednisone is starting to wear off and I am almost free from its malicious grip compassion has started to return to me. Perhaps it is a more informed sense of compassion then I have ever had before, because for the first time I realize that some rules (the earthly type) aren't really worth getting upset about. Especially since we don't really know whats going on in the lives of others.

Good luck this weekend, and may God grants you wisdom and peace.

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