Sunday, January 12, 2014

Obesity Dilemma

Obesity is a problem in America, we all know this. What's scary is the rate at which the problem is increasing. In 1990 there were no states in America where the rate of obesity was higher then 19%. Just 30 years later all 50 states have obesity rates that exceed 20%. What do we need to change to get American back on track to a healthier lifestyle?


  1. Nice. You were almost 100 pounds overweight not too long ago and now yiou're up on an anti-obesity soapbox? If you weren't sick, you'd probably be one of the statistics you mentioned!

  2. Anonymous,

    Issues with weight are a problem for our long term health. I know I have struggled with this issue for most of my life. In fact I think my obesity might have contributed to my current condition (although there is no facts to support this).

    Which is why I asked what we need to change to get back to a healthier lifestyle? Have any ideas? I personally have found the change in diet to be very time consuming and expensive. Here are some ideas I have.

    1.) I would love to see some classes offered in my area that help people switch to eating healthier.

    2.) I would like to see home economics return to the standard curriculum in our schools.

    3.) Clear labeling of food in the store.

    4.) A calorie and content menu available at restaurants.

    5.) Support from doctors to help those struggling with their weight.

    Weight loss is not something one can easily do on their own it's going to take a community effort to change how we eat and live.

  3. I didn't notice anywhere in your article where you said you were "anti-obese"- more that you are "pro-healthy." Sometimes it takes a life changing event (IE RARE DISEASE) to realize it's time to make changes in your life.


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