Saturday, January 18, 2014

Random Affects of ECD

Today I have written about 4 random ways ECD affects my life. 

Coordination-I fell down last night walking up the steps to my house. It hurt. I banged up my knee and hands but upon inspection this morning I seem to have survived the fall relatively unscathed. I have fallen down before, I mean we all have right! This was probably one of those things where the mind gets ahead of ones feet and then the next thing you know your hugging the floor looking around to see if anyone saw. [In the back of my mind I'm wondering did I fall because of the ECD, it does make my leg weak. Sometimes it causes my left leg to just collapse. Is the disease spreading?]

Energy-In the past few week there have been a few people at church who are ill (5 home bound, 1 hospital). I would like to be visiting these people on a bi-weekly basis but have been finding it very difficult to see more then one or two a week. [I have noticed that I have no "extra" energy, things are much better in the last three weeks then they were before, but I am certainly not back to my pre ECD energy levels. At church I seem to be able to only accomplish one major task a week before I fizzle. This week it was finalizing the report for our annual meeting.]

Diet-Went out to dinner last night with the family to celebrate my daughter getting accepted into a very nice all girls High School in our area.  [There was only two items on the menu I could eat. The rest of the items were either so fried or so covered in cheese they would have caused me to ball up in pain for hours, thank you ECD for helping me eat healthy.]

Perception- I am going to be attending a funeral today for the Rev. Dr. Walter L. Eversley. His Funeral will be the first time I have seem anyone from the Presbytery or other Ministers in about 10 months. I now weigh 148 pounds, 106 pounds less then I did then. [I really don't want to be noticed or to draw any attention. I don't feel like talking to and explaining to a bunch of people what I have been through. I am not looking forward to being complimented on my weight loss. Plus because of the ECD I have had to plan to arrive early so I wont have to walk to far (parking is bad there) and so that I will be able to get a seat close to the door in case I have to leave (sitting for long periods is painful).]

Life changes. It changes in lots of small ways. Learning to cope with these small changes and not letting our advancing age, our infirmity, or our diagnosis control our lives is hard. To give up though, to stop fighting, to abandon hope is to embrace defeat! I refuse to be defeated.

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