Friday, November 15, 2013

Good Bye Prednisone

My affair with Prednisone ended today at 8am when I took my last pill. I have weaned myself down to the point where I can stop. Thank you Lord! I hate Prednisone!!! She made me feel crazy and overly emotional.

To commemorate this event I would like to say a few words about Prednisone. Obituary Style.

Prednisone and I first met in June when I was erroneously diagnosed with retro peritoneal fibrosis. It was a whirlwind romance in which Prednisone was introduced as my lifesaver, only to soon become obsolete and unnecessary. By that point though Prednisone had already become part of who I was, taking over the function of my organs in such a way that she could not be easily removed.

Since finding out I didn't need Prednisone things have been rough. Prednisone has expressed a desire to stay a part of my life but I have insisted on weaning her out of existence. She has pushed me to some high moments and caused many a night of tears but it has all come to an end.
Fair well Prednisone, may the distance in time and space between us grow as you seek someone else to "help". As I say goodby though I cannot help but feel that you will at some point make your presence known in my life again, God Forbid. Until then Prednisone! Good Night.

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