Friday, November 29, 2013

Post Thanksgiving Blues

Thanksgiving was a bust, from a food perspective. I am not settled with the notion that my diet is so limited. It was painful over the last few days (both at the celebration at work and on Thanksgiving) to see so many foods that I used to eat and know that I simply would not be able to enjoy them. Food has always played such a central role in what a holiday is for me that the day without the food seems incomplete somehow.

That's how Thanksgiving felt this year, sadly incomplete. I tried to minimize this by spending the morning visiting people who were also unable to fully enjoy Thanksgiving because of being hospitalized. Both people were in good spirits and I enjoyed that part of Thanksgiving day the most.

One thing I learned from this holiday was that I would have been happier if I had just brought my own food. Unfortunately, I realize as I write this that I have said that before (in reference to a party I attended), but this time I am planning on implementing the change for the family get together at Christmas.

I have hope though that in the coming weeks this issue will get resolved. I have an appointment with a doctor specializing in Gastroenterology and Nutrition in December. While I don't think all my eating issues will be solved that day it is at least the first step towards understanding what is happening to my body when I eat.It could also be the first step towards stopping y weight loss (now at over a 100 pounds).

I hope you were able to enjoy your time with family and friends as you celebrated Thanksgiving this year. Remember, every moment is a gift and every day we have on this earth is a blessing that should never be taken for granted.

1 comment:

  1. Worried about you weight loss. Have you been checked and cleared for pancreatic cancer?


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