Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Dental Redemption

My Dentist banned me from his office in August. I know what your thinking, "I always knew that guy was crazy". Well it turns out I'm not crazy, it is just that Dr. Golan wasn't willing to risk moving forward with anything (I have two crowns and a few cavities that have popped up in the last 6 months) until we had a larger understanding of where the disease was in my body. We have seen such rapid decay in the last 6 months that he was concerned. He thought that if the ECD was in my jaw it might hamper proper healing.

So when my PET Scan came back negative for ECD anywhere except in my abdomen and pelvis, which was great news! It also meant I could go back to the dentist, but I didn't call. Honestly I have always had great teeth and good dental care and I am embarrassed by how bad things have gotten. The dentist believes the rapid decay is because of the high doses of Prednisone but reasons aside I don't like to let my dental team down and I have been feeling a little blue about the state of my teeth.

Cue disaster...I broke my tooth last week. So today after work I went to the dentist and after explaining the drugs I'm on and having him look them up he decided he could risk working on me and decided to put in a bridge. Apparently it was a close call between a bridge and pulling the tooth but he just didn't feel I was a good candidate for surgery and a replacement implant right now (and he's right I'm not).  Here's to hoping it all works out.

Life it is never boring?

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