Friday, December 13, 2013

Vacination Dilemma

When I checked in for a recent visit with my primary care physician they were giving out sheets explaining why we should all get our flu shots. I have never fallen into a category where having a flu shot was indicated (normally they suggest children and older adults). I asked if there was any way for me to take one because the Kineret shots makes me immunocompromised. Turns out that my body's white blood cell count is so low that it would be unsafe to take a live vaccine and not worth while to take a inactivated (dead) vaccine.

This led to a general discussion about how to stay healthy during flu season. Dr. Klapholz says, "I should limit my exposure to sick people and children." OMG!!! When I got done laughing I had to remind him that I am a teacher (140 kids per day), I am a Pastor (65 people every sunday, hand shaking), and I have four kids. I did the math and this means that I am exposed to like a zillion peoples germs every week (pardon my slight exageration).

So here is the point. I can't get vaccinated and no one in my house can get vaccinated with any live vaccines. This means the MMR, Polio, Small Pox, Chicken Pox, etc...are all off limits for now. So we need your help. We need you to get vaccinated so that you can help protect us. I know there is lots of drama out there about the MMR and some of the other newer vaccines, but the tried and true ones are a smart choice for you, your children, and all us immunocompromised wussies out there. 

Think about it, your flu shot could end up saving my life. I'll just say thanks in advance, I owe you!


  1. I completely agree with you. There are certain people whom without scientific fact believe that immunization causes autism. While I feel for anyone who has to deal with a autistic/ Aspie child; there is no proof that they are related. And for the parents who do not immunize their children, they affect the old and imuno-compromised.

  2. Trust me when I say I have had this discussion many times. One time I sided with the doctor over my wife (which ended up being a gigantic mistake). Now I avoid this discussion like the plague, except to say...when we choose not to vaccinate our children we are often looking at only one side of the equation (their risk of being hurt by the vaccination)and ignoring the issues that arise with them not getting vaccinated.


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