Sunday, December 29, 2013

Resolute Resolution

You know the nice thing about New Year's resolutions is that they are easy to make and even easier to break. The best part may be that no one expects you to keep them so the only person you're really letting down when you give up going to the gym in February or start scarfing down Nutella again on January 5th is yourself. The thing is...aren't you tired of letting yourself down every year?

So why aren't we successful? Why do we fail to do things that we know will improve the quality of our lives? I think the problem is the way in which we go about making our New Year's resolutions. We often make them on the whim at a party just minutes before the clock strikes midnight (and lets be honest there is often alcohol involved). We also tend to choose far to many resolutions to reasonably tackle at one time.

Not surprisingly, the New Year's resolutions that are most likely to succeed are the ones that mean something to you and come from a place of passion—not the ones someone else says you should do. For example, making a resolution to swim daily because it's something you've always thought was relaxing and wanted to be able to do is going to be a lot more motivating than deciding to lose 10 pounds because your spouse or doctor told you to (shame on them by the way).

So make sure your resolution comes from within. Perhaps you want to improve your health or strive to be a better parent? Maybe you want to work on being a better friend or just being focused when your at the office (i.e. playing less Candy Crush on company time). Perhaps you want to consider more external changes in your life, the ways that you can make a difference through activism, awareness raising, or promoting a cause.Whatever your goal is for 2014 chose wisely then hold your self accountable by sharing your goal with others.

For 2014 resolve to keep your resolutions, why miss the opportunity to change your life! You have about 2 days left to choose so start thinking...and choose wisely.

*I am going to post my two resolutions for 2014 over the next two days, feel free to add yours in the comment section.

1 comment:

  1. I want to call my family at least once a week.

    I would like to eat out less and cook at home more.

    Thanks for the motivation!


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