Monday, March 3, 2014


The calm after the evenings snow is always something that I enjoy. There is something about sheets of brilliant white unadulterated by footprints and tire tracks that reminds me of how close We are to the universe and God (no I have not been drinking). 

Today's mild brush with Mother Nature reminded me that we must embrace serenity in the odd moments where we find it. The truth is we just don't know when the next moment will come along. So it's no wonder when we find ourselves rushing rushing rushing from one thing to the next that we soon find ourselves feeling harried and exhausted.

The fact is life is hard but if we stand any chance of making it from this day to the next we must take those moments of serenity that exists around us and embrace them with everything we have when they happen. 

So next time you see that crescent moon or hear the beautiful silence of a dew touched morning, put down that trash bag, groceries, or your work readied bags and enjoy it for a moment. 

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