Monday, March 24, 2014

People Problems

So a coworker told me that he saw my arms yesterday and that my muscle mass was ehhhh (which was then followed by a face that said your gross). Then it was suggested that I get to the GYM. 

Seriously! What rock has this person been living under? I tried to explain my situation but faltered under the anger and embarrassment. 

I am not proud of my weakness. I don't enjoy the fact that I can barely hold my son, that I get exhausted sweeping the driveway, or that I am to week to do some of the household chores that fall into the father/husband category.

I am ashamed but not ignorant. I know that at this point maintaining my weight is more important then how I look. I know that my blood work has indicated I am in no way prepared to lift weights. I know that my testosterone level is low enough that I will need to be monitored by a physician when I start exercising again.

So to my coworker I say this. 

These are the arms of a MAN that has lived through a year of hell. 

This is the bicept of someone who lost 110 pounds in 9 months. 

This is what surviving looks like. 

1 comment:

  1. You are stronger than most anyone I know, strength is more than how you physically look (although that arm looks pretty good to me) strength is daily getting up, battling this disease, fighting it but not letting it define you. It is showing your children that strength can be found amidst pain. I am so proud of the man you are, I love you.


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