Friday, January 3, 2014

Weight Problems

I am still struggling with my weight. I haven't mentioned it lately because honestly most people are trying to lose weight and here I am fighting to gain it. Plus I felt with the addition of the Natural Doctor things were heading in a positive direction. Unfortunatley after a week of eating scoops of peanut butter a day, lots of granola, crackers with hummus, ice cream (that ended up being a bad idea), and a tasty corn fritter, on top of already having pushed my calories up...I still lost weight.

In October I was only eating 1200 calories a day and I lost 5.2 lbs. In November I was eating 1600 calories a day and I lost 5.3 lbs. In December I ate 1800 calories a day for two weeks, then over 2000 calories a day for the next two weeks and I lost 5.5 lbs. That time period included me being on vacation which meant I worked less and I ate more, plus I went to a few parties where I took a pain pill and just went hog wild.

You see the trend? The more I eat the more weight I lose! So today I step on the scale after my weight had been steady for a few days...I have to admit I was feeling hopeful that all the forced eating of peanut butter was paying off and I was 146.2 lbs. Are you freaking kidding me! I just bought a suit, blazer, and slacks. I am tired of buying new smaller clothes. In fact if this keeps up I am going to have to go buy my pants in the boys section (unless you know of a store that sells a 28 waist in the men's section).

I'm not depressed. In fact I'm not sure there are even words for how I am feeling. You see when you work so hard to achieve a goal and fail its disheartening. When the goal you fail to achieve is the difference between a long healthy life and the alternative then in that situation failing is...hard to comprehend.

What is there to do but keep trying and I will. 

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