Monday, August 19, 2013

Feeling Prickly Today

I have been having some rare encounters with animals the last few weeks. I am starting to think there is some sort of unspoken connection. It feels almost like they know I am trapped in my body the same way they are trapped in their cages (this is of course not true in any way but ...).

Porcupine at Northwest Trek

This porcupine crawled up onto his log and stared at us when we came by his exhibit. His mobility was excellent which immediatley made me think about how lucky he was.

My leg keeps popping out on me when I walk, like someone is bumping the back of my knee when I am standing still. So far I am able to catch myself and I don't think anyone even notices the glitch but I am worried that there will come a time when this "glitch" will result in me falling.

Worrying...gotta stop doing that.

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