Sunday, October 20, 2013

We are everywhere!

People with rare disease that is. I met another person with a rare disease this weekend at my daughters soccer game (mine is way rarer...yes it is a contest). Funny thing is that she was also super focused on the food she is eating even though she doesn't have "stomach" problems per se.  It was a good talk because I realized that in a lot of ways my refusal to eat certain foods is more about a shift in what I am willing to put into my body then anything else.

There is something about realizing how close to death we really are that causes people living with rare diseases to want to live a healthier life. It can turn some of us into health nuts. Some of this is surely the desire to control something in our lives, but another part of it has to be the realization that this body is a gift and if we don't treat it well it wont be around for very long (if its not around either are we). 

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