Monday, March 17, 2014


I mentioned last week that I had a discussion with my Doctor about a medical issue and I was pondering the results. Here is the issue, my testosterone is low. I had no reason to know this other then it showed up on some of the testing that was done at the NIH.

Since finding this out I now realize that the moodiness, forgetfulness, fatigue, and loss of muscle mass that I have been experiencing could be related to my low testosterone. I have spent my whole life thinking that if you had low testosterone it meant you had erectile issues, but it turns out that in many cases that's not true.

Good News - They make shots, creams, and patches that will provide one with the testosterone they need.

Bad News - I can't take any of them because they increase the risk of clotting. My Doctor said, "no Doctor in their right mind would give someone with your health issues testosterone replacement therapy". It turns out the treatment might very well finish of my already damaged spleen.

Oh well. For Now.

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