Tuesday, March 18, 2014


So it turns out the denial of Creon by Express Scripts might simply be a simple volume issue (it is possible that they limit all in person drug requests at the pharmacy to 100 pills). The denial may have happened for any drug ordered at any volume higher then 100 pills. I learned this with just five minutes of DanMarie looking into the issue (once again DawnMarie saves the day). 

Meanwhile the Gastroenterologist's office spent 2 hours on this today and made no headway on the issue at all. The real complicating factor is that the phone support doesn't understand the plan either. They are actually a call center for many plans and therefore never developed an expertise in understanding your plan.

 What makes this whole thing even more frustrating is that my secondary insurance and drug coverage are both easier to use then my primary!!!!

I appreciate all your thoughts, prayers, and suggestions. I want you to know that I am not worried about getting my prescription filled in the long run. Until then I filled a 200+ pill disbursement through my secondary prescription drug provider. This is not ideal in the long run though because the copayment would be $300 for a 90 day supply, instead of $45. 

If I have to though...I will do what I have to. Until then, guess whose spending lunch on the phone with the insurance company tomorrow.

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