Monday, September 16, 2013

"Caught" sitting

With one full week of work (teaching) under my belt it looks like I will be able to keep doing my job. Before school started I was worried that my body might not be able to handle it, plus my voice was struggling to recover from being intubated in June. While there has been a significant increase in my bone pain as compared to this summer and my voice was a little sore it was not as bad as I expected.

One thing does bother me though...getting "caught" sitting. I have explained to my boss that I need to sit down while I am teaching and she has been very understanding, even going so far as to check in with me to make sure I have everything I need. As a teacher though it feels wrong to sit! I feel like I should be constantly circling the room, like a shark (a nice shark). So even though 70 percent of the time I'm up and moving I have been "caught" sitting twice and I find it embarrassing.

I think what bothers me most is that my sitting is proof I'm not 100 percent and I don't like the implication of weakness that comes with that admission. Ironically my weakness has made me rely more heavily on small groups, forced me to integrate projects more regularly, and made me more responsive to individual students needs.

So perhaps in my weakness there is strength, or at least a unique opportunity to improve my craft as a teacher, but I still hate getting "Caught" sitting.

1 comment:

  1. Brad, I have to respectfully disagree. What if, for example, a teacher was wheelchair bound? Would you believe this would automatically diminish their capacity to assist student is growing and learning?


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