Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Insulted by a Walrus

When a giant Walrus sticks its tongue out at you its hard not to smile. Now if a person stuck out their tongue at you you probably wouldn't get upset (because that's just a crazy thing to do), but there are other things people do that make us sad, mad, and yes even angry.

Walrus - Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium
I could be something simple like not acknowledging the large role you play in the success of your workplace or it might be something small like a perceived slight. The fact is we far to often let other peoples actions determine our reaction!

How many of you have a family member that is really good at stirring up trouble? You know who I am talking about right. If we can all name the person and we all know what they do then why do multiple people in one family let that person stir the pot by listening to them?

How about that coworker that just seems to rub everyone the wrong way? You know who I am talking about, the one who is always late to meetings then without having any idea whats going on loudly proclaims their viewpoint in such a way that implies your stupid if you disagree.

Imagine if every time someone did something to offend you instead of getting angry you just imagined my friend here the walrus, sticking his tongue out.

But its different you say, because these people are effecting your life, your, family, your ability to earn money! Only because you let them! No one can force us to react unless we choose to, remember that.

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